Note - Due to the CoronaVirus Pandemic, all activities are reviewed on a case-by-case basis. We reserve the right to cancel or postpone activities that present a public health risk. For more information, call us at (216) 421-1200 or email us at [email protected].
Adult Classes
Adult Sunday School led by Minister Bea Thompson
- 10:00 am – 10:50 am on Sunday mornings
- Meets in the Yoder Seminar Room on the main floor
- Beginners are welcome
Adult Sunday School led by Minister Bea Thompson
- 10:00 am – 10:50 am on Sunday mornings
- Meets in the Yoder Seminar Room on the main floor
- Beginners are welcome
Youth Programming
Wiggle Room (Infants, Toddlers and Families)
- 11:00 am – 12:15 pm on Sunday mornings.
- A space for families and young children to be together on Sunday mornings.
- Available throughout Sunday mornings, before and during the worship service.
- Located on the main hallway, next to the sanctuary.
- A variety of books and toys are provided to engage young children.
- Audio/video feed of the service is provided for adults.
Supervised Child Care before Worship
(Children Preschool through 5th grade)
- 9:30 am – 10:45 am on Sunday mornings.
- Meets in the large room on the mezzanine level, at the lower 107th St. entrance.
- Adults supervise play for children whose family members are participating in adult classes or activities before worship.
- Breakfast/snack is served.
- Safe Sanctuary guidelines are practiced.
Sunday School (Children Preschool through 5th grade)
- 11:20 am – 12:15 pm on Sunday mornings
- Children begin the morning in worship with their families @ 11:00 am and leave sanctuary with adult leaders following opening moments of worship.
- Children gather in the large room on the mezzanine level, at the lower 107th Street entrance.
- Breakfast/Snacks (cereal, milk, fruit, pretzels, yogurt) are served every Sunday morning.
- Explore Bible stories in meaningful ways – through art, games, cooking, drama, music, science and movies
- Encourage caring, loving relationships as we play, eat, sing, and pray together.
- Participate in worship with our faith family.
- First Sunday of every month, children come to worship for communion with their families.
- Safe sanctuary guidelines are practiced.
Youth Group (Youth in Grades 6 through 12)
- 10:30 am – 12:30 pm on Sunday mornings
- Meets in the Youth Room on the Second Floor
- Explore faith and current events through discussion, games and occasional guest speakers.
- Participate in worship as greeters, communion servers and liturgists/readers.
- Attend worship with families on the first Sunday of every month.
- Engage in community service
- Enjoy social events – pizza lunches, movies, annual trip to Cedar Point.
- Attend annual retreat weekend at an East Ohio Conference Church Camp.
- Safe sanctuary guidelines are practiced.
Confirmation Program (Youth in Grade 8 and up)
- Program for youth who wish to explore membership in the United Methodist Church.
- Includes Sunday classes and mentoring by adult members of the church.
- Program usually takes place in the winter/spring each year.
- Safe sanctuary guidelines are practiced.
Wiggle Room (Infants, Toddlers and Families)
- 11:00 am – 12:15 pm on Sunday mornings.
- A space for families and young children to be together on Sunday mornings.
- Available throughout Sunday mornings, before and during the worship service.
- Located on the main hallway, next to the sanctuary.
- A variety of books and toys are provided to engage young children.
- Audio/video feed of the service is provided for adults.
Supervised Child Care before Worship
(Children Preschool through 5th grade)
- 9:30 am – 10:45 am on Sunday mornings.
- Meets in the large room on the mezzanine level, at the lower 107th St. entrance.
- Adults supervise play for children whose family members are participating in adult classes or activities before worship.
- Breakfast/snack is served.
- Safe Sanctuary guidelines are practiced.
Sunday School (Children Preschool through 5th grade)
- 11:20 am – 12:15 pm on Sunday mornings
- Children begin the morning in worship with their families @ 11:00 am and leave sanctuary with adult leaders following opening moments of worship.
- Children gather in the large room on the mezzanine level, at the lower 107th Street entrance.
- Breakfast/Snacks (cereal, milk, fruit, pretzels, yogurt) are served every Sunday morning.
- Explore Bible stories in meaningful ways – through art, games, cooking, drama, music, science and movies
- Encourage caring, loving relationships as we play, eat, sing, and pray together.
- Participate in worship with our faith family.
- First Sunday of every month, children come to worship for communion with their families.
- Safe sanctuary guidelines are practiced.
Youth Group (Youth in Grades 6 through 12)
- 10:30 am – 12:30 pm on Sunday mornings
- Meets in the Youth Room on the Second Floor
- Explore faith and current events through discussion, games and occasional guest speakers.
- Participate in worship as greeters, communion servers and liturgists/readers.
- Attend worship with families on the first Sunday of every month.
- Engage in community service
- Enjoy social events – pizza lunches, movies, annual trip to Cedar Point.
- Attend annual retreat weekend at an East Ohio Conference Church Camp.
- Safe sanctuary guidelines are practiced.
Confirmation Program (Youth in Grade 8 and up)
- Program for youth who wish to explore membership in the United Methodist Church.
- Includes Sunday classes and mentoring by adult members of the church.
- Program usually takes place in the winter/spring each year.
- Safe sanctuary guidelines are practiced.